For 21st century

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The first airplane of its kind

The founding concept of the new training aircraft originated from our personal experience acquired during everyday’s aviators’ life. Visiting airfields the world over we see and fly various airplane types, differing in age, condition and above all in their characteristics.

Currently we can see modern, but very often single-purpose machines, as well as older airplanes. For recreational flying, ultralight / microlight category airplanes are often used. The ordinary life at most of the airfields consists of training flights, glider-towing, aviation tourism and aerobatic routines’ training.

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Together we create the future of the flying life.

We chose modern technologies, modern materials, utilising the experience learned from the long technical history of aviation as well as gained our own designing several successful types of airplanes and gliders. We count on using modern powerful engines, contemporary avionics, applying of all available safety elements/features and aircraft building/production practice. We know intimately, learn from and apply the experience of daily operation of aero clubs, individual flyers, commercial subjects and military forces.

Technical specifications
  • Light and strong structure
  • Easy maintenance
  • Simple handling and servicing
  • High performance
  • Uniquely pleasing ground handling and take-off and landing behaviour
  • Provides fascination of the pure speed combined with excellent controllability and docile manners in extreme situations


From recreational flying, pilot training and glider towing to full aerobatic training.

The new ALFA 01 offers all of this. The completely new design allows advancing its performance utilising the latest development and knowledge in the realm of technical solutions and processes, structures and aerodynamics.

At the same time, this brings substantial overall improvement in efficiency, resulting in improved economy of the operation. Increase in the available performance, markedly surpassing the standard of contemporary airplanes, enables widening the training syllabus piloting skills, bringing them closer to higher categories of aircraft. The airframe is designed to accept a full range of engines from 200 HP to 315 HP, allowing tailoring the performance and economy of operation to the specific needs of the operator.

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