Alfa 01

Tech. Specification

Form the future


The Alfa plane is designed to both basic and advanced pilot training in flight schools and aeroclubs in VFR conditions, acrobatics training either double or solo seated and finally for towing gliders up to 1000 kg of weight. The proposed design allows to increase performances extensively, according to current knowledge of technology, design as well as aerodynamic and equipment. Simultaneously, it leeds to better efficiency as well as to an economical operation. Increasing of achieved performances extensively above the standard of currently used airplanes brings a wider pilots’ knowledge, which makes pilots to be closer to higher aircraft categories.


Note: data for 240 H.P. engine
375 km/h
Max. speed
275 km/h
Cruise speed
78 km/h
Stalling speed
600 km
Technical data:
10 m
7 m
2,1 m
12,3 m2
Wing area


The Alfa aircraft is drawn up as a classic low wing plane with seats placed in tandem. The main pilot seat is the rear one,that is elevated upwards in order to provide the perfect view. The shapes of the aircraft are designed considering the composite fibreglass technology, which provides practicaly no limitations in aircraft’s shapes.

Lending gear
Power unit
Rescue system
Regulations basis

A monocoque shell structure of fuselage is made as a separate unit. It will be stiffened in particular places in order to the next units attachement as an engine, an undercarriage, a wing, a tailplane etc. The engine bulkhead is simultaneously a firewall, separating the engine from the rest of the fuselage. The crew compartment is solved as a „cage“ with a high rigidity in order to secure a safety in case of accident. Additionally to the standard, automatic reel for a towing cable is considered, including it’s conduit to lead the cable apart from the tailplane.

A self-supported wing is designed in two parts with a central part. The fibreglass shell construction is used in ordet to increase it’s rigidity. Ailerons of the Frise type are momentarily balanced inside their structure. No external structures, adversely affecting the aerodynamics, are necessary. Slotted flaps, in cooperation with airbrakes, secure a fast descent of the aircraft after towing, slowing down to taxi speed and also avoid exceeding speed limits in critical situations.

A stabilizer with aerodynamic ballance mechanism is attached at a lower half of a tail fin. Self-supported „sandwich“ structure is made of fibreglass laminate. Rudder and elevators are made of carbon laminate in order to reduce the weight.

The Alfa 01 version is fitted with a tricycle landing gear. Wheels are covered with streamlined fairing. Main wheels are fitted with brakes, nose wheel controled simultaneously with the rudder. The advanced version Alfa 02 is fitted with a fully retractable undercarriage.

The power unit consists of a piston engine with an appropriate controlable-pitch propeller. In the basic variant the Lycoming 540 is used with the MTV propeller. This classical design allows even alternative solutions as turboprop or electricial propulsion.

The crew compartment is equipped with a complete dual, classic control system. For instruments and navigation equipement, modern multifunction displays will be used plus classical instruments as a reserve. Safety seats will be equiped with four or five-point safety belts. Seats will be adjustable, as well as rudder pedals to adjust them according to pilot’s physical dispositions. Designed weight of one crew member is 130 kg.

A central parachute rescue system will be installed.

The aircraft will be designed and subsequently certified according to the FAR23 / CS 23 rule in the acrobatic category.

The whole design is conceived using modern glass, carbon and aramid laminates. When the project is certified, advanced prepreg technologies will be used.

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